Once there was Hope


Dear Mr. President,

    The majority of Filipinos voted for you because you won their hearts. 31 million Filipinos voted for you to be their leader in the belief that you would improve their nation. You have a significant obligation to fulfill, and it won't be simple. However, you entered this position confident that you could handle the pressure and the tremendous responsibilities. You are still capable of carrying out your duties as the nation's top official in spite of all the criticism and accusations made over your background and those of your family. 

    Although I don't personally support your rule, I will respect you for accepting the role that destiny gave you. I'll respect the people's choice to elect you as leader of the nation. I simply hope that they made the right choice and won't look back, especially in these times when condemnation is so common. I hope that this won't change how you run the country, but rather that it will inspire you to correct wrongdoings and strengthen righteous actions, with the improvement of the lives of the people of the country as the major objective.

    I hope that both the voice of the voiceless and the youth will have the opportunity to speak for themselves. As a student, I am well aware of the stereotype that assumes that when you are young, people are assuming you know nothing and are simply excusing their ignorance. I genuinely believe that an effective reign should serve all people, not just the majority. If we want our nation to develop, there is no tolerance for that any longer. Our mentality should be strengthened.

    I may not be very knowledgeable about politics, the economy, or the like despite having lived in my beloved nation for 15 years; all I care about is what's best for the people. Mr. President, the future of the Philippines is in your hands. The lives of Filipino citizens, including children, students, civilians, and members of the armed forces, are in your hands. You will either make the people who voted for you regret it or you will show them they made the right decision.


                                                                                                               Sincerly, Jeziah Mae Tabisula


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