To be Perplexed


    As the saying goes: "Curiosity kills the cat,". I personally think that this is half untrue. Why? Based on my understanding, being curious is harmful, but If you are not curious about anything, how will you know things? How will you gain knowledge? Curiosity drives a person to be eager to expand his/her knowledge and this will make a person grow. But, on the side note, it’s kind of true because if you don’t have enough knowledge about something, it can really harm you. I'd like to express myself through this blog so that you can better understand who I am and how I am currently living my life, as well as to influence my readers about the lessons I've learned from my experiences.

    I am a naturally curious person; I remember being awarded most inquisitive when I was in third grade; at the time, I had no idea what it meant, and I asked my mother what it is and why it was worth being an award; wasn't it supposed to be annoying because I was always asking questions, and she said "no". Ever since I was a child, she said that I easily understand topics and ask questions about them because I want to know more and it seems like I’m always interested, which she said is a good thing. And now that I'm older, I can see how this attribute of mine affect me.

    I used to despise cheese as a kid. I dislike the aftertaste, and it just doesn't go with anything. I remember removing the cheese slices from burgers and refusing to include cheese in my spaghetti. If a food has cheese on it, I would immediately identify, that's how I critically don't like it. But as I got older, I realized that cheese is a is like a "super ingredient"; as if every food tastes better with cheese on it!

    This story reminds me of a lesson. You may not realize it now, but that certain thing may help you in the future; you may not recognize it now, but you will in the future. We frequently drive away things that aren't suitable for our comfort, we say no to things we know aren't the best, and we overlook things that can make our future a little brighter. We had no idea what would happen if we accepted those things because we didn't know what would happen if we acknowledge it.  Or we know, but we're afraid because what could happen is the opposite. We simply lack the courage to face ourselves.

    If I were to rephrase the quote, I would say "curiosity makes the cat wonder and makes the cat stronger." It's more optimistic than the original, and I'm the type of person who looks for the positive in everything. Curiosity made us want to learn, and learning will make us better. And if we made a mistake, don't consider it a failure, but rather an important lesson that in some point in our lives, we needed.

    So here I am! I am an open and curious individual who seeks to learn more and has a positive outlook on life. I am a firm believer in making the most of your life in order to live it to the fullest. Do what brings you joy. Have courage to yourself; if it scares you, go for it even more. Life would be dull without challenges; these will shape you into a better person. Making bold decisions that will have a significant impact on your life, being eager to learn, and doing things that will help you grow are all things I want to do on a consistent basis throughout my life. And I want you to do it as well.


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