There are always hellos in every farewell.

I spent my 2022 discovering new things, hobbies, and people!

    The year 2022 was incredible. I learned so much that I could write a book. I met people who turned out to be friends. This was my first in-person class in a long time. It was stressful, but I had a great time. In this blog, I'll talk about how I dealt with certain issues and what I learned from 2022.

1. Mistakes = Lessons

    Mistakes are often called as failures, but actually mistakes is the way to growth and a part of success. if you are avoiding failure, you are avoiding success. we often pressure ourselves to not do mistakes, but hey! we are kids how wants to enjoy life and be spontaneous. it's okay to make mistakes, forgive yourself and trust the learning process. 

2. Impressing people. 

    We are pleased to see people who are proud of us and our accomplishments, particularly academically. But the problem is that we become gloomy whenever we fail to make them proud; we fear low scores and grades because they represent "disappointment" to us. However, if we continue to live to impress others, how will we grow if our world revolves solely around their approval? We will never be good to ourselves if we continue to care about how others perceive us; instead, we must focus on ourselves, create the best version of ourselves, and people will see you as you see yourself. I recall a quote that goes perfectly with this paragraph - "Don't chase butterflies because they will eventually fly away; instead, spend your time creating a beautiful garden and the butterflies will come; if they don't, you still have your beautiful garden."

3. Enjoy your own company.

    I've always enjoyed being heard by others, but since the pandemic, it's as if I've been forced to stay in my room and isolate from others, rather than simply band socializing. In fact, being alone is fine, as is enjoying your own company, meditating, and comprehending my own emotions to further clarify my own feelings. It made a significant difference in my mental health. When I'm alone, I spend my time exploring and learning new hobbies. Painting and baking are my favorites; crocheting, playing ukulele, listening to music, and singing are my relaxing hobbies; and sculpting, crafting, and building circuits are my most recent ones. 

4. Less screen time and more time to enjoy small things in life.

    Limiting my time on social media has helped me stay on track, especially since I am easily distracted. Social media can be entertaining, but it can also be dangerous if not used properly. Furthermore, screen time can strain our eyes and cause migraines. I always tell myself that I have real things to enjoy, where I can see, feel, and experience things in real life rather than amusing myself on gadget screens. I take my time, enjoy my surroundings, spend time with those I care about, and create wonderful memories. I enjoy bicycling, playing badminton with my sister, reading a book, doing electronics projects, and other activities.

5. You only appreciate time when it’s gone.

    This can be applied to people, relationships, or material things, but I'm going to talk about time. The time of the pandemic was worse because I crammed things and soon regretted that I had this entire week to finish it but didn't. I regret wasting my time, which I only realized after it was gone. I'll start working on the tasks I need to complete right before the deadline. Right, a to-do list to keep me organized and on track with what I need to complete on time so that I can spend time with my loved ones.

    I'm grateful for everything I've learned, the people I've met, and the memories we've made together. As I finish this blog, the year comes to an end, and it's finally time to say goodbye to 2022. It was a difficult year for me, and I believe most people would agree, but all of our efforts will be rewarded as we end this year with hearts full of gratitude and continue with the flow of life in 2023!


  1. the strength you have shown this year is extraordinary! congratulations bestie!


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