Panagrambak: Showcasing culture, industries, and traditions of vigan!

     It's a return! The annual city fiesta, which features many enjoyable, entertaining, and engaging events, is currently taking place in the city of Vigan. Due to the pandemic-related lockdown, the city hasn't publicly celebrated in a while. But now that we've adjusted and have more leisure, we can participate in events to express our thanks for St. Paul the Apostle of Vigan City's conversion on the 25th of January.

       Tourists will visit Vigan to experience and witness this heritage and will watch parades, street dancing, and cultural performances organized by the local government with the assistance of local businesses and communities. To celebrate this, biguenos from all over the world travel to their hometown. This is the time when biguenos display their talents and skills, which are frequently shown in their craftwork or in cooking, which is seen in food fairs where the delectable dishes are prepared using the distinctive flavors present in vigan. 

          Additionally, there are competitions where bigueño compete for titles. You'll be able to appreciate people's true abilities. You can see how fascinating they are on  shows. 

    They definitely demonstrate how innovative and inventive bigueños can be. They showcase their own businesses and the goods produced by their community.

      Finally, a Vigan celebration wouldn't be complete without some street dance. It is a long-standing custom of bigueño to dance in the streets of Vigan while wearing brightly colored clothing.

       We haven't recently celebrated in this manner. It's hilarious to observe how nearly everything has returned to normal, from attending school in person to participating in fiestas in person. In the smiles people wear on their faces, you can clearly see how intelligent they are.


  1. I learned a lot about the fiesta, thanks to your blog!

  2. Excellent blog! This has taught me a lot.

  3. Wow! I like your blog! Keep it up!<3

  4. your fiesta blog is so amazing, i loved it!

  5. I really enjoyed reading your blog about the fiesta. Keep it up!!!

  6. Nice blog, I learned a lot about the fiesta!

  7. Amazing composition of your blog, love it! keep up the good work!


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