Quarter 2 ICT Voyage


dear self,

I am so proud of you because, despite the difficulties and problems you faced, you still managed to stand up and pursue what you believe you are capable of doing, and you faced them without hesitation and learned from them. And some of these issues are most likely the result of school. Undone schoolwork, and unfinished student club projects, but amidst this, I was able to manage my time and get things done on time, made true friends, and valued your time spent alone and with loved ones. They are my source of strength and motivation to pursue my passion.

The individuals I was around, my classmates, who weren't there to judge me but to inspire me, gave me more confidence while I was at school. They weren't only my rivals; they were also my friends. I appreciate that they are there for me, and I'm glad we get along. They are my peers and most likely go through the same issues as me, so they can understand how I feel and why. They are the people I get along with five days a week, therefore I feel comfortable among them.

You should always remind yourself that being kind and understanding is important, especially when socializing with others, because you never know what they are going through in life. Always remain calm when things begin to irritate you, because an angry person is an impulsive person. If you make promises when you are happy, they are less likely to be fulfilled, and promises are sweet lies. Don't make rash decisions; you'll come to regret them. Always speak from the heart, but never without thinking. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, making mistakes is acceptable and will serve as a learning experience that will lead to success. Simply trust the process.


  1. Indeed. Trust the process... Be kind to yah self as well, you lad, not just with the people around you. Through ups and downs, always remember that you're not alone... will always be proud of you, no matter what.

  2. Never forget that you're not alone despite your highs and lows... No matter what, I'll always be proud of you.

  3. So captivating blog, it's true that promises are sweet lies cause we just say it not do. Great Job! Keep it up being positive in mind and trust the process.

  4. I admire you for being kind, understanding, and patient with others. Keep going and inspire more people.


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