Our Savior and Redeemer

Observance of the Lenten Season

   The Lenten season is a season of reflection, repentance, and sacrifice which begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for forty days leading up to Easter Sunday. As a Catholic high school student, the observance of this season is a significant aspect of my faith journey. Observing the Lenten season has been a part of my upbringing and has influenced the way I view and approach life. 

     During the Lenten season, Catholics are encouraged to practice self-discipline and make personal sacrifices in order to grow in their relationship with God. Personally, I have always found it challenging to give up something that I truly enjoy or find comfort in, but it has taught me the value of resilience and self-control. This season serves as a reminder that true growth comes from overcoming temptation and practicing self-restraint.

    Another important practice during Lent is prayer. This involves setting aside time each day to communicate with God and to seek His guidance and wisdom. Prayer helps us to build a closer relationship with God and to recognize His presence in our lives. I have found that prayer has given me strength and direction during difficult times, and has helped me to feel more connected to my faith and community. 

    In addition to fasting and prayer, Lent also involves acts of charity and service. This involves reaching out to those in our community who are in need, helping them in any way we can. This could involve volunteering at a local soup kitchen, donating to a food bank, or simply listening to someone who needs a sympathetic ear. I have found that acts of charity and service have helped me to feel more connected to others, and have given me a greater sense of purpose and meaning. 

  While some people may view Lent as a time of deprivation or restriction, to me it is a time of great hope, joy, and spiritual growth. It allows me to take a closer look at my life, examine my actions, and seek ways to improve myself. I have learned that by making small sacrifices and engaging in acts of service and charity, I can make a positive impact on the world around me. 

    Moreover, the observance of Lent is a time to focus on forgiveness and reconciliation. Through the sacrament of confession, Catholics are encouraged to seek forgiveness for their sins and to work towards repairing damaged relationships. I have found that this process of forgiveness and healing can be difficult, but it is also incredibly transformative. 

      In conclusion, Lent is a powerful observance that has helped me grow and deepen my faith. Its emphasis on sacrifice, repentance, and spiritual renewal has led me to a greater understanding of God's love and grace. It has also taught me to be more compassionate, charitable, and selfless in my interactions with others. As Paul wrote in the Bible, "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:3-4). Whether it is through prayer, fasting, or acts of kindness and generosity, the Lenten season offers us all an opportunity to make a positive impact in our lives and in the world around us. 

References Larson, M. (2015). Yes, it's time to fast for Lent. Christianity Today, 59(2), 30-33. Dodson, J. (2012). The little way of Lent: meditations in the spirit of Therese of Lisieux. Paraclete 



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