Quarter 3 ICT Voyage


     As the third quarter of my ICT class comes to a close, I reflect on how much I have learned about technology and its applications. One of the areas that stood out to me was time management. Learning how to prioritize tasks and effectively manage my time has been incredibly beneficial, not just for this class but for other aspects of my life as well.

     Another area we covered was HTML tags. I found this to be the building block of web designing. Knowing and understanding the different HTML tags allows one to design websites that are perfectly aligned and easy to use. It was also interesting to learn about the different HTML versions, and how they have evolved over time.

  Lastly, we dived into the exciting world of web designing. I found this to be the most engaging aspect of the course as it allowed me to express my creativity in designing websites. It was fascinating to see how adding colors, images, and fonts could have a significant impact on the overall design and user experience.

    Overall, I have found this quarter to be informative and enriching. The skills and concepts that I have learned will serve as a good foundation for any future work that I may do with ICT or web designing.



  1. Congratulations on surviving this third quarter. I'm hoping you'll keep up your great work in the upcoming quarter. <3

  2. Keep on learning and growing, Jeziah!

  3. I was glad you learned a lot thos quarter, Jeziah! Congrats for surviving another quarter!

  4. Very good, Jeziah! Keep it up! ^^

  5. permeability>>>>>permittivity


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