A Blank Canvas



    As a 16-year-old teenager, I am still exploring and navigating the complexity of life. Each day brings new challenges and possibilities, leaving me unclear of what lies ahead. However, one thing is certain: when I turn 26 in a decade, I want to look back on my life with no regrets and be proud of what I've accomplished. 

    Despite of my uncertainties about the future, I want to create a strong sense of self-worth within myself. I want to be able to declare that I am happy with where I am in life, whether or not it corresponds to society's idea of success. To me, happiness means having the freedom to live life without worry or restraint.  

    While I may not have a clear idea of what I want to pursue in life, I'm confident that my journey will be filled with excitement and growth. I want to live a life that is true to who I am and allow myself to pursue my interests without fear of being judged or failing. I hope to be able to claim in a decade that I've carved out a life that seems honest and genuine to me.   

    In simple terms, the next decade of my life is an empty canvas that I'm looking forward to filling with experiences, progress, and enjoyment. Above all, I want to be able to say that I've lived life on my own terms, welcoming everything that comes my way. Here's to the next ten years filled with purpose, determination, and joy. 


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